Wednesday, May 26, 2010

busy sewing

Been doing a bit of sewing lately. Here are some pics of things I've made:

A fun bunting and bibs. Made for our month-old niece with lotsa love, and miles of (handmade) bias tape. The pattern for the bibs is from my Martha Stewart book

An embroidered handkerchief – I guess, but I hope no-one blows their nose into it... The pattern is from Clover

And my very first top! It was a little tricky at times, but good to learn and get experience making a garment – sewing darts and sleeves, and using interfacing.
I even customised the pattern a bit, shortening the length and using sleeves from
a different pattern. The fit is pretty loose, but overall I'm happy with it, and definitely looking forward to more sewing projects :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

roll no. 2

Got my second roll of film developed yesterday, and I'm pretty happy with the results. It's exciting to get some good photos back, especially since I have a fear
(and actually recently dreamt) of getting a roll back that is completely blank!

I loaded this film (Kodak Portra 400NC) into my camera when Jon's family were over, so have quite a few shots from around BR, and our visits to Memphis and New Orleans. Here are some of my favourites:

Mmm... filmy. The rest are in this set, on my Flickr.


We have:
• been to Lafayette for the Festival International. Music + food + arty stalls = fun!
• been eating LOTS of delicious boiled crawfish
• become uncle and aunty to a cute baby girl! (Congrats J&C!)

Apart from that, the weather's starting to heat up (I think we're skipping spring and headed straight for summer, minus the humidity though, thankfully). Jon's busy at work, and I've been having fun sewing things. Also, I won a competition on Jamie Oliver's twitter and got his Food Revolution book. Sweet! It has some really nice and simple recipes, including a fresh cherry tomato and basil pasta which I made last night. Super quick and very tasty!